Member of construction commission in parliament, by mentioning the high average age of aircrafts in the country, states that “Among 300 available aircrafts, there are only 140 active aircrafts”.
Rahmatollah Firouzi Pourabadi, by mentioning the difficulties in air transportation in Iran states those aviation industries are among the industries which are highly effected from sanctions. This is the problem which unable us to purchase new aircrafts and renewal the aviation aircrafts.
In addition during two recent decades every purchased airplane was second-hand and used aircrafts except some rare recent ones. This problem is resulted from sanctions of enemies against Iran.
He added that renewal of aviation aircrafts is exceptionally necessary. However sanctions and other difficulties make it impossible for airlines to purchase new aircraft, these problems increased the average age of the aircrafts in Iran.
Firouzi expressed that if we reinforced our airlines and the government supported the industry by investment, aviation industry will grow. Although airlines own 300 aircrafts, there are 140 active aircrafts.
Member of construction commission in parliament added that pandemic corona disease hurt the aviation industry of Iran which made it necessary to support airlines and other active companies in this industry.